www.express.co.uk – 2nd July 2020
MOT tests will resume for drivers who were already due an exam after August 1 with an extra month extension being applied to drivers due a test in July. However the Independent Garage Association is now pushing for further MOT changes as they issue a stark warning to motorists.
IGA chief Stuart James has warned the additional month suspension could allow an extra one million unroadworthy cars to remain on UK streets.
This would run alongside the 1.6 million vehicles in a dangerous condition which have already had their MOT extended for further months.
Mr James said: “We thank the government for listening to our views. The news will give clarity to garages and allow them to plan for the busy period ahead.
“This is a welcome retraction of a policy doubtless designed to provide relief to motorists.
“However, this additional month will allow at least 1 million unroadworthy cars to remain on the road for an additional six months, as well as the 1.6 million dangerous vehicles that have already had their MOT extended.
Mr James says an extra extension will leave drivers with an “accumulation” of faults while he called the scheme a “detriment” to many owners.
He said the policy had taken away the “bread and butter” of the garage community and left consumers “confused” by how the scheme worked.
“With road traffic increasing, people being encouraged to use their cars rather than public transport, and further lockdown measures easing on July 4, we believe this additional month will leave a number of motorists with an accumulation of faults and repair costs when they are least able to afford them.
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