A head gasket seals pressure in your car’s engine, as well as distributing oil and engine coolant. This means it must deal with high temperatures and pressures every time you switch on your engine. This is what it is designed to do.
If your head gasket is damaged, your engine can overheat quickly and cause serious damage. It is a very complex piece of equipment, made up of a variety of components. It has to be able to function in extreme heat and pressures as well as being able to withstand all the chemicals inside the car.
Head gasket repair can prove expensive – the average cost last year was £498.74. This doesn’t have to be the case. If a head gasket problem is caught early, it may not entail a huge fee. The secret is knowing what to look for, so you can find a mechanic as soon as possible. If your head gasket explodes your entire engine could end up being written off! Here are the signs of head gasket damage to look out for:
Any of these signs warrant a trip to your local garage as soon as possible, to hopefully prevent a costly repair bill and some serious damage being done to your car.
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